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Steps For Enrolling A New Student at CGHS

Step 1. Contact your prior school for an unofficial copy of your transcript. You must have it with you when you meet with the counselor prior to enrolling. If your student is on an IEP or a 504, please bring a copy of that as well, if applicable.
Step 3. Call your student’s counselor for an appointment. 
      2024-2025 School Year   
      Vicki Evans, 9th and 12th Grade Counselor (541) 780-2134
      Rex Basting, 10th and 11th Grade Counselor (541) 780-2135
Step 4. Click on the following PDF Forms listed below, print them, and fill them out: 
-  Language Use Survey (Required)
- Oregon Migrant Education Form (Required)
- Authorization for Medication (If applicable)
- Technology Opt-out Form (Only fill this out if you choose NOT to allow your student to have an email address or Google access)
Step 5. Bring all the completed forms, your student’s transcript, and IEP or 504 (if applicable) to your meeting with the counselor. If you are meeting with the counselor via phone or google meet, the paper documents can be dropped off at the high school. The counselor will notify you of your student’s first day of enrollment.
Step 6 . Once your student has been enrolled, they will be given access to Home Access Center (HAC). This is a great tool for parents/guardians and students to see classwork, grades and attendance. 
PDF Form Links


In an effort to cut costs, we are no longer sending duplicate mailings home. If you are a legal, non-custodial guardian and want to receive academic information, please use Home Access Center to acquire the information you need.  Your child can share their username and password with you in order to gain access.